If you are considering buying a commercial vehicle, you may wonder what factors make them expensive to insure.

Several things go into making a commercial vehicle more expensive to insure than a personal vehicle. These include age, value, and type of vehicle.

Let’s take a look at these three factors in detail.


Your commercial vehicle’s insurance is based on several factors, including the vehicle’s make, model, and age.

As a rule, the older a vehicle is, the less it will cost to insure. This is because maintenance costs for an older model are generally lower than for a newer model, and the likelihood of being involved in an accident also decreases with age. In general, newer commercial vehicles are more expensive to insure. This is because newer vehicles tend to be worth more and are therefore more expensive to replace if they’re stolen or written off in an accident.

Additionally, newer vehicles often have more safety features than older ones, which can help to reduce the cost of insurance claims. However, the age of a vehicle isn’t the only factor that can affect its insurance costs. The type of vehicle also plays a role.

Ultimately, the best way to save money on vehicle insurance is to shop around and compare rates from different insurers.

Additionally, newer vehicles tend to have more expensive parts, which can drive up the cost of repairs. As a result, individuals who are looking to save money on their vehicle insurance should consider opting for an older model. While it may not be as flashy, an older vehicle can still provide reliable transportation while saving you money on your premium. The average age of a vehicle on the road is more than 12 years old. That’s a lot of wear and tear on a vehicle, and it can start to take its toll in the form of maintenance and repair costs.

In addition, older vehicles may not have the latest safety features, which can also affect the cost of insurance.

However, there are some ways to offset the increased cost of insuring an older vehicle. Many insurance companies offer discounts for vehicles that are well-maintained, so be sure to keep up with regular maintenance. You may also consider installing aftermarket safety features, such as alarm systems or tracking devices. By taking these measures, you can help to keep your insurance rates low, even as your vehicle ages.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, vintage or classic commercial vehicles may cost more to insure than newer models, as they are more valuable and may require specialised maintenance. Similarly, commercial vehicles that are used primarily for business purposes may also be more expensive to insure, as they are more likely to be involved in an accident.

Ultimately, the best way to determine the cost of insurance for a particular vehicle is to speak with our insurance agent.


The resale value of your commercial vehicle can have a significant impact on the cost of insurance. To get the best possible rate on your insurance, it’s important to be aware of how your vehicle’s value will affect your rates. This is because vehicles with lower resale values are less expensive to replace if they’re totalled in an accident.

Conversely, commercial vehicles with higher resale values will tend to have higher insurance rates because they’re more expensive to replace. There are a few things you can do to research the resale value of your vehicle and get an idea of how it will affect your insurance rates. This can be a great way to get a more accurate estimate of how your vehicle’s value will affect its insurance rates.

You can contact your insurance company directly and ask them for their opinion on the matter. Keep in mind that the resale value of your vehicle isn’t the only factor that will impact your insurance rates. Your driving record, the type of vehicle you drive, and other factors will all play a role in determining your premiums.

However, knowing how your vehicle’s value will impact its insurance rates is a good place to start when you’re trying to save money on your policy. When it comes to insurance, the value of your vehicle will have a direct impact on how much you pay for coverage. That’s because the higher the value of your vehicle, the greater the risk for the insurance company if it’s involved in an accident.

As a result, those with more expensive commercial vehicles generally pay more for their insurance. But if you’re looking to keep your premiums low, it’s important to keep your vehicle’s value in mind.

The size and weight of the vehicle also affect the insurance rates. A smaller, lighter commercial vehicle, such as a company car or a small van, will have lower insurance rates than a larger, heavier commercial vehicle, such as a Sprinter van or an HGV lorry. This is because a smaller, lighter vehicle is less likely to cause as much damage in an accident as a larger, heavier vehicle.

The type of engine in the vehicle also affects the insurance rates. A vehicle with a powerful engine will have higher insurance rates than a vehicle with a less powerful engine. This is because a vehicle with a powerful engine is more likely to be involved in an accident.


Many people are not aware that the value of their commercial vehicle can have an impact on the cost of their insurance.

If you have a newer model vehicle, your insurance company will likely charge you more for your premiums. On the other hand, if you have an older model vehicle, your insurance company may offer you a discount on your premiums. This is because older model vehicles are less likely to be involved in accidents.

Additionally, the value of your vehicle can also affect the amount of coverage you need. If you have a newer model vehicle, you may need to purchase more insurance coverage than someone with an older model vehicle.

This is because newer model vehicles are worth more money and they are also more likely to be stolen or damaged in an accident.


When it comes to insurance, the types of commercial vehicles that you drive can also have a big impact on your insurance rates. Some types of commercial vehicles are more expensive to repair or replace if they’re involved in an accident.

But it’s not just the make and model of your vehicle that insurers take into account when setting rates. They also look at things like its safety rating, fuel efficiency, and resale value, so if you’re looking to save money on your insurance, it pays to choose a commercial vehicle that’s less likely to get into an accident and is easy on fuel. You might not get the most exciting ride on the road, but you’ll save some money in the long run.

Insurance is an important purchase for all commercial drivers; not only is it required by law, but it also protects you in the event of an accident or other vehicle-related issue. Because of this, it’s important to understand how the type of vehicle you drive can affect the cost of your insurance.

Generally speaking, the type of vehicle you drive will have a direct impact on your insurance costs. Of course, other factors can affect your insurance costs as well. Your driving record, for instance, is a major factor in determining your rates. If you have a clean record, you’ll probably pay less for insurance than someone with multiple accidents or traffic violations.

Where you live is also important when it comes to insurance rates. If you live in a rural area, you’ll probably pay less than someone who lives in a major city. That’s because urban areas tend to have more traffic and more accidents.

Many other factors can affect your insurance rates, but the type of vehicle you drive is one of the most important.


The high cost of insurance can be a real burden for businesses that rely on commercial vehicles to get their work done.

But why are commercial vehicle insurance rates so much higher than those for passenger vehicles? Some factors contribute to the high cost of commercial vehicle insurance.

Commercial vehicles are often used for business purposes, which means they’re on the road more often and are more likely to be involved in an accident. They also tend to be larger and heavier than passenger vehicles, which means they can cause more damage in an accident. Because businesses typically use commercial vehicles to transport goods or materials, they’re more likely to have expensive contents that need to be insured.

While the high cost of commercial vehicle insurance can be a challenge for businesses, it’s important to remember that it’s an important part of protecting your business. By understanding the factors that contribute to the high cost of commercial vehicle insurance, you can be sure you’re getting the coverage you need at a price you can afford.

When it comes to commercial vehicles, there are a few factors that play into why they tend to be more expensive to insure. These types of vehicles are often used for business purposes, which means they’re on the road more often and are more likely to be involved in an accident.

In addition, commercial vehicles tend to be larger and heavier than your average passenger vehicle, which can also make them more expensive to insure.

So, aside from shopping around and comparing rates from various insurers, what can you do to reduce the cost of insuring your commercial vehicle? Consider raising your deductible and asking about discounts that may be available, such as for being a safe driver or taking a defensive driving course.


As a business owner, you know that commercial vehicle insurance is a necessary expense. But what if there were ways to reduce your costs?

Here are some tips to help you lower your commercial vehicle insurance costs:

  • Review your coverage regularly to make sure you are not overpaying for coverage you don’t need.
  • Raise your excess. This will lower your premiums, but make sure you have the financial ability to cover the excess if you do have an accident.
  • Shop around and get quotes from different insurers to find the best rate.
  • Take advantage of discounts. Many insurers offer discounts for things like safety features or taking an advanced driving course.
  • Drive safely and avoid accidents or traffic violations. This will help keep your rates down.
  • Consider telematics. Telematics-based insurance programmes use technology to track your driving habits and offer discounts to safe drivers. This could be a great option if you have a fleet of vehicles and want to incentivise safe driving habits among your employees.

By following these tips, you can save money on commercial vehicle insurance without sacrificing coverage or peace of mind.

Protecting your business is important, but there’s no reason to pay more than you have to. Your business and your vehicles may have changed since you first purchased your policy, so it’s important to review your coverage periodically to make sure it still meets your needs.


In conclusion, there are many reasons why commercial vehicles tend to be more expensive to insure than other vehicles. They have higher repair costs because they require specialised repairs that aren’t covered by standard vehicle insurance policies.

Also, their high price tag means that fewer people will want to buy them. This leads to lower demand for new models, which in turn increases prices further. Finally, older trucks often require larger engines with higher displacement motors. All of this adds up to higher premiums.

If you have questions regarding your current policy, please contact us directly, and we can answer any concerns that you might have.