When it comes to your car insurance, there might be many factors that influence the cost of your insurance policy. Credit score, age, driving history and more all contribute and are considered when deciding upon your car insurance rates.

This blog post will inform you about the different reasons why your car insurance might be expensive, as it can influence your decision-making process.


Age plays a significant role in the cost of your car insurance, especially for young drivers. Many insurance companies view younger, typically teen drivers are higher risk as they do not have as much experience as older drivers. Statistics also show that younger drivers get into more accidents and are more reckless than drivers in older age groups.

Once you reach the age of 25, it becomes a less important factor for insurance companies.


Your driving history and experience also contribute to the price of your insurance policy. For example, your driving history will be used to predict your future performance behind the wheel. Any history of points or fines will increase your insurance cost.

Similarly, your driving experience will affect your insurance cost, as the more experience you have, the less likely you are to make mistakes. The more experience you have, the less risk you bring to an insurance company.


Did you know your location also contributes to the cost of your car insurance policy? For example, your postcode will affect your car insurance as population density, traffic density and more of that area can lower or increase the level of risk.


Bruford and Vallance Insurance Services Ltd have worked hard to create a team of experienced, dedicated and qualified employees who aim to fulfil your insurance needs. We can talk you through the policies to see which one is right for you, and we can guide you towards the policy that matches your requirements.

You can request a quote today, or you can contact us for some one-to-one advice. We are happy to help you find the policy that is right for you.